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Welcome 2025 Students: New Student Checklist

Accept your Offer


To accept your offer please go to the AFTRS Portal by the date indicated on your Offer letter. 

  • To access the AFTRS portal you will need the username and password which you set up during the application process.  

If you do not accept your offer by that date, your offer will lapse.

Once you have accepted your offer, you will be directed to complete your enrolment online via the AFTRS Portal. 

Please note:

If you  would like to talk to someone at AFTRS about any concerns or questions you may have, please contact the Student Centre on +61 2 9805 6444 or email



If you have been offered a place in a course, you can defer the commencement of your study by one year if you have a reason why you cannot take up your offer immediately. You will select a reason from the drop down menu available once you select DEFER

Please Note: 

  1. If you have received an offer for  2025 Master of Arts Screen, you will not be able to DEFER. You must accept or decline your offer only. 
  2. Deferral is for one academic year only and only offered for Bachelor of Screen Arts: Production, Graduate Diploma in Radio and Podcasting and Master of Screen Arts: Business.
  3. Deferral of an offer of a place will only be granted once
  4. Deferrals are contingent on course or discipline streams running. 
    • AFTRS reserves the right to not run a course or discipline stream.  In that event, you will be notified at the earliest practicable stage.
  5. A member of the Admissions Team will be in contact with you, via email,  regarding your intention to commence study in 2026. 
    • It is important that if your email or phone number changes during the year, you send new details to to update.
  6. Keep in touch with AFTRS during the year and stay in contact with news and events by signing up to the AFTRS Newsletter.


Talk to Student Centre Enrolment


If you have accepted your place in the course, but before you have enrolled, there are circumstances where you are able to amend your decision Any request for changes must occur as soon as you are aware a change is required.     

Please contact the Student Centre to discuss by emailing

Complete your Enrolment - by deadline date on Offer letter


Enrolment is the process in which you confirm your place on a course and is the next step after you have accepted your place in the course. 

Once you have enrolled, you are officially a student of AFTRS from the time you enrol until you complete your course requirements and exit the School on your course’s exit date; go on a leave of absence; withdraw from your course; or are excluded from a course of study.

You must complete your enrolment by the due date indicated in your offer letter or you will forfeit your place at AFTRS.  

  • The questions asked within the enrolment form are required to be asked as part of government reporting requirements. They are for statistical purposes only. The answers you supply will not affect your enrolment at AFTRS.  
  • If your address/contact details have changed between application and enrolment, please contact the Student Centre to update. 


Successful enrolment in an AFTRS award course requires domestic applicants to

  • possess Australian or New Zealand Citizenship
  • be an Australian Permanent Resident
  • or holder of an Australian Permanent Resident Humanitarian Visa.

Depending on your situations, you may be asked to provide physical documentation in regards of your citizen / residency status.   You will be notified about the specific requirements and how and when to submit by the Student Centre. 

Your name at AFTRS


Your student record and all official certificate documentation, including your testamur and your academic transcript, are in your legal name provided by you at enrolment.

As a registered Higher Education Provider, AFTRS requires students to enrol with their legal name, that is, the name that is used on Commonwealth Government documentation such as birth certificates, passports, and marriage certificates

All official AFTRS documentation will be in your legal name. You are not able to change your name to a stage or writing name unless you provide certified proof of your legal name change. 


Students are able to change their first name to a preferred first name for communications to fellow students, lecturers and within AFTRS. 

  • eg James Smith > Jono Smith   or Katherine Talbot > Tina Talbot 

Your preferred first name will be reflected on Moodle,  on class lists and your 'name' email can also be changed. 

Your legal last name cannot be changed across AFTRS systems. 

If there are cultural reasons regarding display of your name, please contact the Student Centre to discuss. 

Adding a Preferred name 

Please let Student Centre know if you would like to add a preferred first name to your student record.

You can also update your preferred name at any time during your course via the Paradigm Student Portal or by emailing Student Centre. 

Pronouns & Cultural Names

AFTRS supports students to self-identify and be recognised with respect.

Noting that AFTRS must record a legal name in our Student Management System and in formal correspondence about enrolment, we encourage students to inform us when their legal name is not in alignment with their preferred or cultural names so that it may be reflected in all circumstances that our systems allow. e.g. Class lists, informal correspondence, and other personal communications.

Students are also encouraged to inform us of their preferred pronouns. You may also update this information in the Student Management System. 

Student ID Photo


We need you to submit a portrait photograph of yourself to use as identification on the Student Management System and AFTRS Security Student Card, which will be provided at start of your course.  We require this photo by February 2025. 

Send your photo via email in JPEG format to following your enrolment.

The specifications of the photograph are listed below, and save with the following convention:  surname.firstname.jpg

  • PNG orJPEG 100 dpi in resolution: no bigger than 1MB please  
  • Portrait Head and shoulders ONLY
  • Face FRONT to camera
  • Neutral background of one colour only
    • No Black or White
    • No hats or sunglasses please

Census Dates


Census dates are :

  • The dates you become financially liable for any unit of study in which you are enrolled.
  • The final day you can withdraw from a unit of study without financial liability.
  • The date when you incur a FEE-HELP debt for any units for which you have taken out a FEE-HELP loan.

Census dates are listed in the yearly Fee Schedule available to view on the website.  

Note: Deadlines for payment of fees are before the Census dates.

Unique Student Identifier USI


All students starting a higher education course need a Unique Student Identifier. 

Applying for a USI is fast and free, and you keep the same USI for life. You can apply for a USI in as little as five minutes at

If you have studied a VET course in the last five years, including while at secondary school, you might already have a USI. Locate it here


When you enter your name on USI, please use the same legal name as provided to AFTRS on Application/Enrolment.   If you have indicated a Middle Name, then please enter a middle name.   

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name 


Once you have generated your USI number, please send a copy to 

  • You can ask for your USI to be sent directly to your provider (AFTRS) from the USI website or you can send us your number separately via email. 
  • You will also need to put your USI number in your eCAF application if you are applying for FEE HELP.


International students studying in Australia with an Australian education or training provider need a USI.  You will need to provide your non- Australian passport (with Australian Visa) as identification.   Once you have arrived in Australia and have a postal address, you can apply for a USI.  This must be done before the first census date for your course in Semester 1. 

Under 18 Students


If you are under 18 at the start of semester, you must have a parent or guardian complete, sign, and return the Parent/Guardian Consent form to   

If your circumstances change before the start of Semester, then please contact the Student Centre to discuss options.



On the enrolment form, it will ask you to indicate how you are going to pay your fees.

 If you have applied for an AFTRS Scholarship or an external scholarship to pay your fees, you will still need to indicate one of the two payment options.  Your payment intention can be updated to reflect a fee based Scholarship if successful.

The tuition fees outlined in your letter of offer are the indicative course tuition fees, expressed as both a total course cost and per annum cost. They are reviewed each year and you are liable for the additional tuition costs if the tuition fees rise during the course of your enrolment.

You can read more about AFTRS Fees on our website.

If  you selected FEE HELP when you completed the ENROL form, then you will get an email from eCAF once you have been sent out your AFTRS Student Number.   You will required to complete your eCAF submission before semester starts. Make sure you have generated your USI number and got your TFN ready by then.

If your address has changed between application and when you recieve your eCAF email, then you will need to let Student Centre know so we can change and re-send your eCAF form as the system will not complete the application until all the details are correct. 



 If you have elected to pay your fees upfront , then fees are due on 30 January for Semester 1 fees and 30 July for Semester 2 fees or within two weeks of receiving an AFTRS invoice.

  • Students who are Australian Permanent Residents or New Zealand citizens (other than a Special Category Visa holder) will be required to pay their fees upfront.

Current up-front payment options

  • Direct deposit: From your bank account to ours, using the details below. Ensure you use your name as the reference so AFTRS can identify your payment. AFTRS account details are:
    • Bank: Commonwealth Bank
      Account Name: Australian Film Television and Radio School
      BSB: 062320
      Account Number: 10141213
  • Online: Log into the Paradigm student portal to pay your fees online by credit card (Mastercard, Visa or American Express).  This option will be available once you have received your AFTRS Student Number
  • Phone: By calling our Finance Department  on 1300 223 877 to pay over the phone. Mastercard or Visa and American Express. 

Please note:

  • If you are a Permanent Resident and paying Upfront and experiencing financial difficulties, you may apply to the Student Centre to pay your fees in installments.   
  • If you do not pay your fees by the specified date you may be excluded from your course by the Chief Financial Officer.


All AFTRS award courses are FEE-HELP approved. AFTRS is an approved Higher Education Provider and is registered with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency.

FEE-HELP means you can study without having to pay upfront fees, however if you get a FEE-HELP loan to pay for your undergraduate course, you will have to pay a 20 per cent loan fee on top of your course fees. 

Students are financially liable for the FEE HELP loan if they continue to study past Census dates set down for each unit of study each semester.

Detailed information concerning FEE-HELP is available on the Study Assist website or the FEE-HELP fact sheet online.


Eligible AFTRS students have the opportunity to apply for the Australian Government’s FEE-HELP loan scheme if you meet the citizenship and residency requirements as listed below and on the Study Assist website.

  • You are an Australian citizen
  • You are a holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa
  • You are a New Zealand citizen – Special Category Visa Holder
  • You are enrolled in an eligible unit of study by the census date
  • You meet the tax file number requirements.
  • You will undertake at least one unit of study whilst residing in Australia.


You will indicate on your enrolment form that you wish to pay your fees via FEE-HELP.

Once your student numbers have been issued, you will receive an email from the Department of Education and Training asking you to fill out an eCAF (electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form) to apply for FEE-HELP online.

This must be completed and submitted on eCAF website by the FEE-HELP due date advised in your enrolment email.


Students applying for FEE-HELP will need to have a Tax File Number and Unique Student Identifier as these will need to be listed on the eCAF form:  Your details must match the information held with the ATO and the USI Registry System.

  • If the details in your application don’t match ATO records and the USI Registry System, you won’t be able to access a FEE-HELP loan until you correct the error.


You have to provide your TFN because your HELP debt is repaid through the Australian tax system.

  • If you don’t have a Tax File Number (TFN), you will need to apply for one. Please be aware that it can take several weeks to obtain a TFN, so be sure to do this straight away

The most common way to apply for a TFN is via the ATO website or at a participating Australia Post outlet.  Once submitted, you will receive a ‘Certificate of Application for a TFN from the ATO.

When applying for FEE-HELP via the eCAF online portal, at Section D – Tax File Number:

  1. Tick the option ‘I have a Certificate of Application for a TFN’.
  2. Upload a photo or scanned copy of your TFN certificate of application.
  3. Once you receive your TFN number, you must send a copy of the TFN email/letter you receive to within 21 days of receiving it or your access to FEE-HELP may be affected.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient FEE-HELP balance to cover the FEE-HELP amounts for your course.   

  • If you had a previous FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP and VET Student Loan debt, this will be carried over and count towards your HELP loan limit.  You will need to determine how much your existing loan is and if there is available balance to cover AFTRS course fees.  
  • For 2024, the HELP loan limit was $121,844

Go to MyHelpBalance website to check, entering your previous student number/AFTRS Student number and USI or Chessen number.

If there is insufficient loan amount left to cover all of the course fees for the duration of study, then there is the option to pay for units UPFRONT:  please call Student Centre to discuss.

  • Paying in full for one semester before semester starts
  • Paying a unit upfront per semester, with the remaining units on FEE HELP
  • Repaying directly to FEE HELP to reduce your debt and therefore freeing up funds to put against the course

Course Guides and Teaching Days


These course guides cover all aspects of the AFTRS courses you are enrolling in. The guide provides transparency on the structure of the course, expectations of students and staff and support through to graduation and employability in the industry.

Please click on the course listed below to link to 2025 course guide. 

Master of Arts Screen

Master of Arts Screen: Business

Bachelor of Arts Screen: Production 

Graduate Diploma in Radio and Podcasting 



You will be able access your first semester subject outlines two weeks before the start of classes and can be viewed from the calendar in Office 365. The timetable will provide detail on your subjects and your assignments.  These will be available through the learning management system Moodle.

Master of Arts Screen (Year 1)

Class Days each week:

Mon    9.30am–5.30pm

Tues   9.30am–5.30pm

Wed   9.30am–5.30pm
Master of Arts Screen: Business 

Blended delivery study load (1-4 subjects per semester)

• Online classes weeknights (days dependent on subject selection)

• Fri to Sun 10am – 5pm classes delivered online or on-campus (dependent on subject selection)
Graduate Diploma in Radio and Podcasting - FT and PT

Study load (3-4 subjects per semester)

• Core Subjects: on campus Mon - Fri 10am - 5pm

• Elective Subjects : Daytime on campus or evenings online (dependent on subject selection)

Study Load (1-2 subjects per semester)

• Core subjects: Online weeknight evenings

• Elective Subjects : Evenings online with some block attendance (dependent on subject selection)


  • Review the 2025 MASB  Timetable  (updated 19.12.24)
  • Review the MASB Course Guide which contains pathway plans for students and details on the subjects.
  • Review the Fee Schedule regarding subject fees and census dates:  the census date is when you become financially liable for your enrolled subjects 
  • Survey Monkey link to choose 2025 subjects across both semesters
  • The MASB Course Guide contains pathway plans for students and details on the subjects.  Students undertake 7 core subjects and choose 1 elective. 
  • Entrepreneurial Finance (core) must be taken in the first semesters of study, and Capstone (core) in the final semester. The other subjects can be undertaken in any order, subject to scheduling.  
  • All students can select from the available subjects and can choose to take either 1, 2, 3 or 4 subjects depending on your capacity /preference. 
  • To complete the course in one year, students will need to take 4 subjects per semester. 
  • The number of subjects you take per semester may affect your final end date and you need to be aware of your progress within the 6 year maximum time you have to complete the MASB.
  • If a subject is listed only as ONLINE on the timetable, then it will be taught via Zoom/Moodle only. 
  • Other subjects can be taken online or on campus at AFTRS Sydney building and we also ask that you indicate your preferred attendance on the survey as well

You can also email Student Centre with any questions


Once you have reviewed the information provided please use Survey Monkey link to select your subject choices for the year.

The deadline for choosing your subjects is 30 January 2025.

  • Review the Course Guide available on the New Student Hub and specifically the proposed study plans 
  • Review the 2025 Timetable and dates (this may be subject to minor date changes).
  • Review the Career Pathways Document,  intended to guide students in selecting elective subjects through their study at AFTRS.
  • Review the Fee Schedule regarding subject fees and census dates:  the census date is when you become financially liable for the subject fees.


There will be two Zoom sessions hosted by the GDRP Team in January for any questions re subject selection and click on the day/time below for the Zoom link.  

Thursday 16 January 2025 at 1pm  

Wednesday 22 January 2025 at 5pm 


The course consists of Core subjects and Elective subjects

  • All students can select from the available subjects and can choose to take either 1, 2, 3 or 4 subjects depending on your capacity or preference.
  • New students must take Concepts of Radio & Podcasting core subject in their first semester of the course.
  • You can take any combination of elective subjects but you must take at least one of Collaborative Broadcast subjects during the course.
    • Elective units are taught online (weeknight evenings across semester ) and Collaborate Broadcast units are online or on campus as indicated on Timetable
    • Show Radio Collaborate Broadcast elective in Semester 1 requires Sydney attendance.
    • Please note that Electives are subject to minimum enrolment numbers each semester.
  • Subjects are delivered as either online or on-campus as indicated on the timetable provided.
  • The number of subjects you take per semester may affect your final end date and you need to be aware of your progress within the 6 year maximum time you have to complete the GDRP
  • As outlined in the Course Guide and in the Career Pathways document, there are 4 different electives offered each year:
    • S1 2025 News and Current Affairs 
    • S1 2025 Creative Business and Practice
    • S2 2025 Advanced Audio Production 
    • S2 2025 Emergency Broadcast and Coverage 
    • 2026 Court Reporting 
    • 2026 Music Programming and Operations 
    • 2026 Narrative Audio/Fiction Podcasts 
    • 2026 Partnerships and Integration (Sales and Promotion) 



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