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Formulating a Research Question


Developing a Research Question


What interests you about the topic?

Reflect on your personal interests and motivations. This can help you develop a research question that you are genuinely passionate about.

What do you already know about the topic?

Consider your existing knowledge or any prior research you may have done, to build help narrow down potential research directions.

What questions do you have about the topic?

Brainstorm any questions or uncertainties you have about the topic. This can help identify areas that you would like to explore further through research.

How does this topic relate to broader issues or themes?

Think about the broader context of the topic and consider how it connects to larger societal, cultural, or academic issues.

What gaps or controversies exist in the literature?

Explore existing research on the topic and identify any gaps, inconsistencies, or areas of debate. That way, your research question can help contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

Can you rephrase your topic as a question?

Try to formulate your topic as a question. This can help clarify your focus and develop a research question that is specific and actionable.

What potential outcomes or implications are you interested in exploring?

Think about the potential impact of your research and consider what outcomes or implications you hope to uncover.

How do you plan to approach this topic?

Think about your research methodology and consider how you will gather and analyze data. This will ensure your research question is feasible and aligned with your research approach.

What audience do you envision for your research? 

Consider the needs of your intended audience and what you hope to communicate or achieve through your research.

What resources or support do you need to pursue this research question?

Think about the resources, expertise, or support you may require to effectively pursue your research question. This can help you identify any potential challenges or barriers and plan accordingly.