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Video Essays

The video essay focuses is the same as a written essay, but in video form, it relates to topics on film and comments on film as its own language. They have a similar structure to the written essay, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. 

What is a Video Essay?

A video essay can examines an argument, critique a theory or work or reflect on a production process using digital clips, imagery, sound and voice over. An important point to note is that a video essay is not simply a written essay read out on film.

"Video essays combine different forms of media such as video (film), audio (voice-over, music, sounds), and text to study or analyze a topic. Many have structures similar to a written essay, with an introduction, body and conclusion. An effective video essay will have a strong thesis or argument." 

Producing a video essay will allow you to complete assessments using and showcasing learned skills relevant to your course work. 

"Rather than merely presenting facts about a subject and calling it a day, a video essay tends to be more personal and opinionated, sparking an interesting discussion around analyzing the subject matter."

The analytical aspect of the work is key to creating a video essay.


How to make a Video Essay

A general guideline to follow


Just like a written essay you will need to plan out your argument and the order of points you wish to convey.


Once you have a notion of your argument or assessment question you will need to find supporting literature and material that backs up that argument.

Source material

Now that you know what you want to say and you've collected supporting research to support your chosen topic you can begin to collate or create  video clips that will make up your visual essay.

Record audio

Record your accompanying voice over. 


Edit your video essay so that it is seamless and each scene works to highlight your argument. 


Both of these links below provide great points for how to make a video essay:

Types of Video Essays

This is a comprehensive article that outlines 11 types of video essays and includes examples

Written Resources

How to structure a Video Essay

Using Clickview for your Video Essay

The Library has a collection of off-air recordings that can be viewed at AFTRS as well as remotely using AFTRS login credentials. The collection includes a number of Films, Television series, Documentaries, and short films.  Off-air Recordings can also be clipped and used in assignments.

Option 1: Clips

ClickView allows all users to make clips of videos that you can then link to or embed. These clips cannot be downloaded.

Option 2: Download

If you would like to download videos from the ClickView Library to cut yourself for use in your assignments, please fill out the form and a library member will contact you with a new temporary sign-in that will allow you to download them.

Click here to find out more


Video Essay compilations