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Assessment Support


An exegesis is a form of assessment that generally accompanies a student's creative work, for example, a short film.

Exegesis usually takes the form of a written, audio or video essay and provides a critical explanation of the logical thought processes, choice of themes and justifications for the creative decisions made when the creative work was produced.

Exegeses also allows for students to critically examine their creative work in comparison to current theory and practice.

Components of an Exegesis

You may be asked to include other components in your exegesis. The below is a format template and a general guide to the content to include. Please read your assessment question carefully and check with your lecturer for anything specific you should include.


Here you can describe your work.

What is about? What are the themes?
Why is it important to you and why will it be important to your audience?
Where does your work sit within a broader social, historical or artistic context?
Also identify the discussion points to come, and outline what you will talk about in the body of your exegesis.


This is where you will delve into analysing your work further.

You may include:

An outline and assessment of the process that you undertook to create the work, also discussing which aspects of the process worked well and which didn't.
Your inspiration, your ideas and the process of moved from ideas to physical works.
The historical and cultural context and significance or your work.
A detailed look at the work itself - each aspect of the work, especially in relation to the above concepts.


Here you will sum up your ideas and give a broad overview of the outcomes and discoveries that you discussed above.