Each Library staff member has chosen four recommendations, with a note explaining each pick.
The picks can be accessed both online from your living room or via the Library (for AFTRS staff and students only).
We have also mixed it up and have picks from all over the internet, including podcasts, games, websites, as well as traditional films and television series.
A queer cinema staple, this funny, bitchy film essay is a pastiche of innuendo-laced scenes, cherry-picked from Rock Hudson’s filmography to make the case that he was gay.
It’s homemade video art at its most clever - using gay subtexts to out the closeted Hudson, and, at the same time, illustrate the historical marginalization of LGBTQ people in American cinema.
Look, this wasn’t the best. Not nearly as good as the 2019 Halston doco, but I will take any Warhol-affiliated morsel thrown my way – even if there was no sign of Warhol to be seen in this (so weird).
But I love that whole 70s excess gay-fashion-disco scene and as usually it left me wanting MORE MORE MORE.
Because I’m insatiable
Funny, bitchy, super-gossipy best friends Lauren Garroni & Chelsea Fairless (of the ‘Every Outfit on Sex & the City’ Instagram account) talk drolly about fashion, the Kardashians and other pop culture news.
It’s my current podcast obsession and I psychotically look forward to every new ep.
I LOVED this book. Each chapter is dedicated to a famous artist, actor, writer, musician who battled addictions and mental health issues throughout their lives… but that’s also partly what made them genius?
I don’t know, the message was kind of confusing. And I seriously doubt it was fact-checked cause some of the tales were too wild to be true!
But I don’t care I love a juicy, dirty bio and this one hit the spot.
A vivid account of the Algerian struggle for independence from the occupying French in the 1950s.
This is all shot in a completely immersive documentary-newsreel style. I’ve still never seen anything quite like it.
I recently re-watched this and was reminded of how great it is.
I don’t find it that scary anymore, but it’s still undeniably unsettling and effective.
This a perfectly cast film, and everyone in it is amazing.
If you’re a fan, I’d recommend checking out the 2019 documentary Leap of Faith: William Friedkin on The Exorcist, which is available on Shudder. He is hilarious!
A wonderful office mockumentary that goes behind the scenes of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
Made just a few years before the UK Office, this was truly ahead of its time.
Late 90s Australian bureaucratic culture is brilliantly parodied by John Clarke, Brian Dawe, Gina Riley and co.
Also, 'Reconciliation', the 3rd episode of Season 2, is in my opinion one of the great moments in Australian television.
Anna Faris is incredible in this movie.
Jane F deserves a place in the canon of iconic LA stoners like Spicoli, Lebowski, Doc Sportello, etc.
So funny!
The Passion of the Christ is a beautiful story of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for humanity.
It is a hard film to watch, but elegantly done.
This compelling series follows the life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and those around him.
Meet the fisherman, prostitutes, tax collectors and the disciples that followed this man of faith.
The creator Dallas Jenkins aimed to portray Jesus in a more “personal and intimate” way.
This hilarious comedy follows Gavin and Stacey through their journey of romance.
Gavin is from Essex and Stacey is from Wales and when they bring their two families together it is like chalk and cheese.
For any Rob Brydon fans you cannot go past this series.
Dawn French plays your unconventional Vicar set in the small country town of Dibley.
She brings with her an eccentric attitude to the role of Vicar.
This show illustrates well the peculiarities of village life.
I recommend you stock up on tea and biscuits.
Gritty, hilarious, lots of juicy details.
Desi Jedeikin and Rachel Fisher talk about true crime stories involving celebrities throughout the decades.
I actually can’t get enough of this right now.
Growing into yourself, fitting in, or not.
Finding friends and forming bonds.
Discovery, heartache and connecting with your people.
Documentary exploring the life of actress, Diane, and the affect she had on her family.
Interview style, by Sarah Polley. Really interesting, beautifully made.
A married couple start hating each other and fight until the bitter end. Funnier than it sounds.
The minute Loki stepped onto the screen in Thor he has been one of the most interesting characters within the MCU (and Tom Hiddleson is not bad to look at).
So, I like so many others was just devastated by the events at the start of Avenger: Infinity War (you all know what I am talking about!).
So the event of Avengers: Endgame had all of Loki's fans intrigued.
Following are the films and TV series you MUST watch to catch up with the amazing character of Loki before his new series starts on Disney+ on June 9th.
Happy viewing!
While not one of the stronger films of the MCU, it is crucial to the introduction of Thor and Loki.
What can I say about the first Avengers film, yes it has it's flaws but it is still a fav film of mine.
And alas it is true, Loki may be the villain, but...
Again not on of the better films or sequels in the MCU, but important to the development of our dude, Loki.
One of my favorite films within the MCU and all time.
A must-watch for all movie lovers.
Be sure to keep your eye out for a number of cameo appearances including Matt Damon and Liam Hemsworth.
The beginning of the end, I can still remember my feeling after watching this film for the first time.
I had a hard time believing what I had just seen.
Be sure to have a box of tissues...
The end of an era, the infinity saga of the MCU was basically over, but at what cost?
And what the hell happen to Loki?