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Student Representative Committee: Main Page

How can I join?

At the start of every year, AFTRS publicises the SRC elections (not to be confused with the Student Member of Council elections - they're in the same time period but are entirely different things). It's as simple as filling out the form and getting someone to sign the nomination section. You can also nominate someone else to join, if they accept it.

Missed the elections? Don't give up! If you want to join after nominations have been completed, it's taken on a case-by-case basis. If you're in doubt, please reach out to the Chair, Secretary, or any SRC member of your choice to get the ball rolling!

What do we do?

The AFTRS SRC is a student group that gives feedback to the AFTRS staff to help enhance the AFTRS experience.

We also create student-led initiatives such as social events, social media interaction and more to help make AFTRS the best it can be!

We chat directly with the AFTRS staff and administration, keeping everything open and transparent.

We try to have a minimum of one member from each cohort of every degree.​​​

After the annual elections to the SRC and within the SRC for Chair and Secretariat, we are entirely self-administratory, which means that we have the advantage of being created and endorsed by AFTRS at the same time as being independent.

We meet as often as we can (a minimum of four times a year, but usually much more) and our minutes go to the Director of People and Culture as well as the AFTRS Executive and the ASQC.

Want to get in touch?

Email SRC Chair Cleo Baldwin (BAY3) or Secretariat Amelia Pieri (BAY2) 

Want to know more?

Check out SRC Instagram 'Seriously Good Content' to see posts on upcoming events and student productions!