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Welcome to the Jerzy Toeplitz Library

The Jerzy Toeplitz Library is Australia’s premiere library for the development of learning, teaching, research, creativity and innovation of the screen arts and broadcasting industries. The library has an extensive and unique collection of film, television and radio specific resources, both on premise and online. This growing collection is regularly highlighted through rotating displays.

As a student at AFTRS you get full membership to the Jerzy Toeplitz Library.


Membership includes:

  • Access and borrowing privileges to the Jerzy Toeplitz Library Collection. Which includes:
    • Over 17,000 titles of DVDs and Blu-rays
    • Over 22,000 titles of books & eBooks
    • Over 3,000 film and television scripts and screenplays
    • Over 1,000 CD titles
    • Over 2,000 Journal titles
    • Over 75,000 streaming videos accessible both at the School and at home
    • Over 100 computer game titles & VR apps
    • AFTRS Student Films, scripts and research papers
    • Daily newspapers
    • Online databases​